

Healthy Eating Rules – A Personal Story – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Nutrition|

Welcome back to #AskYourCoach - Healthy Eating Rules - A Personal Story + The Solution. It’s me again, Roswitha - your coach at wellfitsyou.com the place where women are happy, healthy, wealthy and fulfilled! There are so many healthy eating rules out there and strict diets that it's hard to know what to do. It’s almost [...]

Why New Year’s Eve Resolutions Don’t Work – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Career, Nutrition, Self Care|

Welcome back to #AskYourCoach - Why New Year's Eve Resolutions Don't Work. It’s me again, Roswitha - your coach at wellfitsyou.com the place where women are happy, healthy, wealthy and fulfilled! *** Me: How was your year? Are your 2016 resolutions coming to life? Client: Ohhh, yeah, well ... I did not make any resolutions this [...]

How To Make Yourself Feel Good – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Self Care|

Welcome back to #AskYourCoach - How To Make Yourself Feel Good When You Feel Shitty. It’s me again, Roswitha - your health coach at wellfitsyou.com the place where women are happy, healthy, wealthy and fulfilled! I am scared. Nothing seems to work. I feel like it's too hard and I cannot do it anymore. I lost [...]

How To Overcome Obstacles – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Career|

Welcome back to #AskYourCoach - Why Do We Get Obstacles In Our Way & How Do We Overcome Obstacles? It’s me again, Roswitha - your health coach at wellfitsyou.com the place where women are happy, healthy, wealthy and fulfilled! Why is this happening to me? What am I doing wrong? ... I know. It's frustrating. You [...]

How to make the RIGHT Decision? – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Career|

When times are difficult, do you know how to make the right decision? What do you do? How do you make sure? You might want to know my secret!

How To Have A Balanced Breakfast – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Nutrition|

Do you know how you can have a balanced breakfast? Eat everything you want but make it healthy? I have some ideas in mind!

Do You Suffer From Orthorexia Nervosa? – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Nutrition|

Once again, talking about what should you eat for breakfast. This time, our focus is on perfectionists, those suffering from Orthorexia Nervosa!

What should you eat for breakfast? – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Nutrition|

Who can tell what should you eat for breakfast? It's a complex question and it deserves an elaborate answer. Find out my opinion!

The 5 Love Languages & How They Can Change Your Life – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Self Care|

"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman is not just any book. There are many lessons that I personally learned from it and I want to share them with you.

How And When To Eat Fruits? – #AskYourCoach

By |#AskYourCoach, Nutrition|

Everybody knows they should be eating their fruits, or at least, some fruit every day. What people do not know is how and when to eat fruits in order to get all the benefits.