What I have noticed in my practice as a Health Coach and in my personal life is that the most important aspect in every person’s life is self-care. People that spend more time on self-care are the ones that are happier, healthier and more successful. But, if is so easy and all you need to do is taking care of yourself, how come not everybody is living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life?

The answer lies in self sabotage and beliefs. Most of the people believe that spending time on themselves is selfish, is evil – is what rich people do because they do not care about anyone but themselves. Does this hit home?

I know, it did for me. I always saw in movies how only rich people afforded to go to the beauty salon, to go on vacation for the weekend, to go to the spa whenever they wanted to and I attached the belief that “only rich people can pamper themselves“.

Stop postponing! Create your pamper day at home today!

In my mind, I would have to wait until I will be rich in order to make time to take care of myself or pamper myself. Unfortunately, I am sure many of you have thought this as well. The big trap with this kind of thinking is that by not feeling the benefits of pampering in the present, we actually postpone abundance, by sending the message to the universenot now, I am not there yet‘.


You do not get wealthy because you do not pamper yourself and you do not pamper yourself because you are not wealthy yet. See what I mean?

Without even knowing, in college, I developed a habit of always succeeding with my exams. I was a straight A student and to keep it up all the time, besides studying, I created an exam routine. It meant: the night before the exam I would go to bed early – around 10 pm. Sometimes, it was easy to go to sleep because I had studied really hard and trusted my gut, other times it was hard, so what I did was to meditate.

Everyone that knows me, knows I love CALM – it is a guided meditation app and I use it every day. For sleeping purposes only, I use OMVANA, another amazing app, that puts me to sleep in 15 min – DEEP REST is the program called.

Go to Calm.com and Omvana.com to Check them out!

Go to Calm.com and Omvana.com to Check them out!

So, before every exam I would have around 8 h of well-deserved sleep. I would wake up early in the morning and start my beauty routine. ALWAYS, before an exam, I would spend at least one hour on pampering myself: shower, makeup, hairstyle. Most of the time I did not eat or study but spend the whole morning on looking good. I would walk out of the house feeling like a million bucks and the result, I would always know all the answers. After I realized what I was doing, I tested this theory to see if it’s really true. Unfortunately, the theory was right, and my grade was not.

Since then, every time I have a big goal to overcome, like public speaking, attending some big event, going to an interview – anything that might lead to fear or anxiety, I spend double the time to pamper myself first. This boosts my confidence and my whole day gets better.

Do you have any memories of when you pampered yourself and you had great results?

(tell me in a comment below this post, I would love to know your story)

What Is Pampering?

If some of you are confused about the term ‘pampering‘, let me tell you what pampering really means:

  • ‘ME’ time
  • Time to make yourself beautiful
  • Time to relax
  • Time to do the things you always wanted to do but never had the time
  • A healthy treat
  • Your energy bucket
  • Self love
  • Self care
  • Joy
  • … anything that makes you feel good

To pamper yourself means to take care of yourself on all different aspects of your well-being. This includes exterior and interior appearance. It is the scheduled time for mind, body, and spirit. Keep in mind, I used the term ‘scheduled‘ because I believe that busy people need to schedule things, otherwise they won’t do it.

Why Is Creating A Pamper Day At Home So Important?


As I already mentioned, pampering is great with boosting your self-confidence, but this is not the only reason. Here are some more:

#1. No More Mood Swings

Most of us are exceptional care givers. We give and we nurture and we care so much, for others! We totally forget to care for ourselves and then after we have run out of energy, we can get pretty grumpy and moody and bitchy. We start to blame others for not taking care of us as much as we take care of them.

Oh, gorgeous, in order to avoid drama and to build great relationships, take care of yourself first. The moment I started doing it, the relationship with my boyfriend improved drastically because I was finally happy! Stop waiting for others to treat you differently and start treating yourself like you are a diamond – because you are!

#2. Gain Clarity

We live in a world that never stops, and all the noise, the stress, the busy schedule affects our mind. We get confused easily, and we get disconnected from our soul. In order to regain clarity and to communicate properly with yourself, you need to pamper yourself. Allowing time to relax, to meditate, to run, to cook, etc will allow you to connect to your inner self and get answers easily.

#3. Have A Sense Of Purpose

Again, when you have time to connect with your inner self, you get to regain your sense of purpose. It is hard to keep your dream alive when you run all day from one place to another. Set some ‘me time‘ each week, and you will have time to think about your goals and ambitions.

#4. Improve Health

Disease happens when there is an imbalance in the body. Most of the time is provoked by the lack of primary food: relationship problems, career stress, lack of physical activity and no spiritual practice. But it does not help either if you do not nourish your body with good food – in the end they are all connected. By allowing time to focus on yourself, you actually get some answers to your struggles (meditation, reading, praying) and you get to heal your body. In matters of reading, the book that healed me twice in this lifetime is You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay. If you know you have some issues with your primary foods or health problems, make sure you get her book. I can speak from experience: it helped me be more compassionate, forgive easily and to heal my body, mind and spirit.

#5. Stay Positive

When we do not have time to enjoy ourselves, to relax, to feel good about who we are, we respond to life’s struggles a lot different. When you see someone with an exaggerated behavior, that gets angry easily or has anxiety attacks you should know that they are missing the important self pampering. In these situations, all you can do is send love their way and maybe send them this article – if they are ready to improve their life, they will start pampering themselves.

#6. Enjoy Life

We need energy to run our life. Energy comes in the form of many things, primary and secondary foods. The moment we lack in one of them, the moment we start to struggle, everything starts to look bad, this is when people start saying ‘all bad things come together‘ and then you find yourself in a situation where you have forgotten to enjoy life. Pamper yourself and you’ll see life with different eyes and things will start shifting your way.

How To Create Your Pamper Day At Home


I know it is easier for wealthier people to pamper themselves because they can just go to the spa for a whole day, or take their private jet and go to some deserted island for the weekend. Just because you are [yet] not so wealthy to afford all this, it does not matter you have to postpone pampering until you are. Get all the benefits of pampering, every week, in your own home. (I suggest pampering on a daily basis with a small act of self care, but making a weekly habit of a few hours of pampering is like vacation)

In order to help you in your self pampering journey, I will start a monthly challenge, called ‘30 days to self love‘, where you will have to do one self care activity every day and share it with a group of people that are going through the same journey. I’m always amazed of the power of support groups and this challenge really works, because I used it on myself and on my 1:1 coaching clients. If we all got amazing benefits, you will too!

Sign up here to be the first in line when the challenge will be out.

For me, Sunday is my pampering day. This is the day when I get recharged, is the day when I hit ‘pause‘ and enjoy myself more. No Sunday is alike but some things always stay the same, like:

  • Take a long bubble bath

This is how I prep for Sunday. Usually, I do this on Saturday evening. I start with my aromatherapy oils (whatever smell you like, lavender is great for sleeping and relaxing), now I am using Ultimate Bath Jewels from Aromatherapy Associates, some bath salts, a bit of organic essential oils bubble bath (you can get it fromWallgreens for only $9.99 Deep Steep Bubble Bath Lavender Chamomile).


Found on Amazon.com


Found on Amazon.com

I then I turn off the lights and add a few candles (I love essential oils candles because they are made with natural ingredients and nothing synthetic – you can use 6 Aromatherapy Candles- made with 100% pure essential oils).

Sometimes I put on some music and have a glass of wine (sweet wine is my weakness, that is why I might have it only once or twice a month).

For the next 30 minutes I am in my own world, enjoying the scented smell, the foamy touch, the amazing sounds, the warmth of the water and my own thoughts. This is where the party starts, I get to notice my thoughts and clear out all the garbage that has been stored throughout the week.

  • Read your favourite magazine while enjoying your morning drink

A while ago, I realized that I have not read a magazine in months. I used to love buying Vogue, Elle, Glamour, Women’s Health but I stopped when I realized I was not reading them. Making a habit out of reading your favourite magazine and enjoying your Sunday morning, is divine. It takes up to 30 minutes, but it will make a big difference.

  • Soak your feet and hands and get your nails done

On Sunday afternoon, I take a small tub and a bowl, add warm water, essential oils, some vitamin E and soak my feet and my hands in it. Leave it until is comfortable, up to 10-15 minutes. After the miraculous soaking, I take off my nail polish, I cut my nails, make them pretty and if I feel like it, I put on some nail polish.

If you are not so good with nail polish, you can ask a friend to do it for you, or invest in going for a many-pedy. A small price to pay for feeling awesome! I personally, enjoy it doing it myself, because I need to be fully relaxed in order to do it right, so I get to relax deeply. (what is your excuse for relaxing every now and then?)

  • Get a face mask

You can chose to buy one and use it, or you can make your own. The easiest ones are made out of eggs. To nourish your face skin, use the egg yolk on clear skin. Let it dry for 20 minutes and then wash it gently. You can then apply the egg white and again, let it sit for 20 min and then wash it gently. You can also create your own scrub, with brown sugar (here is an article I wrote about it last year: Make Your Own Body Scrub)

  • Get a whole body hidrating scrub

I don’t know how you are, but I am not a fan of putting cream on my body after each shower. I am a bit lazy when it comes to this, but I am working on it. In order to hydrate my skin, once a week I use my own – home made scrub.

Scrub recipe:

  • One small coffee cup
  • One teaspoon of honey
  • 1-2 spoons of olive oil
  • 3/4 cup of used, fine grounded coffee

You mix all the ingredients in the coffee cup and you get into the shower. You wet your body and then gently massage the whole body with this mixture. After you are all black (and yes, your bathroom will get a bit dirty) you can rinse it off with a shower glove. After this, you do not need any cream.

Your skin will be soft, clean and healthy looking. If you also want to smell good (you will smell like coffee) you can add a few drops of your favourite essential oil. (I like the smell of coffee). This scrub also helps heal scars. If you have them or if you have acne problems on your body, by using this particular scrub on a weekly basis (not often than this) your acne will disappear and your scars will improve visibly. (minor acne will improve after 2 weeks, scars after a few months)

  • Treat your hair

After this amazing shower, I wash my hair and treat it with some home made masks. In the past I used to make my own oil mixture: castor oil on the roots and grape seed oil on the length of the hair. (I had thick, dry hair and also was losing a lot of it due to stress).

Now, I use plant based masks, like neutral henna, and my hair is soft, shiny and helps with regenerating as well. The only inconvenient is washing it after. It takes forever to get the muddy paste out of my hair and usually it cannot be done in one washing. (this is my personal experience, it might be easier for other people)

  • Get your eye brows done

If you like plucking your eye brows, this should come normal to you. If not, I advise you to go see an expert. Again, a small price to pay for looking good! What I do, is to go once in a while to a brow expert, to give me a nice perfect shape and then I just do it myself, until they do not look so good and then I go back to the expert. I love doing it myself and I believe I am doing a pretty nice job, but after a few months, it is good for an expert to look at them.

  • Read the book you always wanted to read

I guess we all have that list of books that we will read when we will have time. Let me ask you this “How many books have you read already?” The ‘when I’ll have time‘ saying, is our biggest enemy because if we do not make time, we won’t have any. So, make time, each Sunday to read from your favorite book.

  • Watch a movie, a TV show, or just plain trashy TV

We need some time off, to disconnect and just escape our thoughts. I enjoy watching ‘Grey’s Anatomy‘, ‘The Good Wife‘, ‘Suits‘, ‘Modern Family‘ and of course ‘Ellen‘. So, on Sunday, I get to catch up and enjoy them!

  • Go for a walk

If the weather outside is beautiful, you should not waste it. Go for a walk in the park, alone or with your loved ones and just breathe in the fresh air. I usually share my dreams and aha moments and just have wonderful conversations.

  • Go out

Don’t say you cannot afford it, cause you do! You do not necessarily need to go to the most expensive restaurant, you can just go out for an icecream, or coffee. Getting ready for going out and simply enjoying the idea of being out and having a nice meal, or a great snack is what will make you happy! I know you want to eat only healthy – organic things, but if you break this rule once a week, you will be just fine! And who knows, you might be amazed how the universe works in your favor and you get to buy organic dairy free icecream. You never know.

For example, my boyfriend and I were dairy free for a long time and because in Romania, we thought coffee shops cannot serve dairy free lattes or cappucinnos, we stopped going out for coffee. Until one day, when we decided to go anyway and enjoy a cappuccino, cause we were missing it. We asked if they had soy milk and if they could make a cappuccino with the soy milk. The answer: we just got soy milk yesterday, of course we can make it! The universe always gives you what you want if you ask for it.

  • Do yoga

There is one exercise I advise everyone to do it daily, called ‘Sun Salutation‘. It has a special meaning to me, because it healed my knee pain. If you cannot do it daily, try to do some yoga/pilates/stretching once a week. While going to the gym, or for a jog is amazing, there are a lot of benefits for activities that involve stretching. Experiment with it and let me know how it changes your life.

  • Meditate

Meditation is a broad subject because there are countless of ways and reasons why to do it. The most important benefit, in my opinion, is the fact that you sit still and just watch your thoughts. The moment you try to quiet your mind, the moment you get to remember all the things you need to do, all the people that annoy you and the list is endless. This is the moment to say cancel and go back to focusing on your breathing. Start with 2 minutes and increase it gradually. Each minute of a quiet mind stands for hours and hours of self-development. If you find it too difficult, start with guided meditation.


Because I know you are a natural care giver and you would feel so much better if you could help others to pamper themselves, here are some things you could gift others. The pamper day at home can be a gift too:

Make a Pamper Day at Home BOX


You need: a cute box, some ribbon, and all the things you think others might love like:

  • Essential oils
  • Nail polish
  • Candles
  • Tea
  • Magazine
  • Lip balm
  • A nice book
  • A cute fluffy towel
  • Chocolate
  • A cute notebook – or agenda

You can download for free the Lifestyle Diary and just print it out – or if you want it printed out, email me and I will give you more info on shipping and cost.

This is a great present for your girlfriends and together we can all schedule a day a week to have a pamper day at home!


1. http://evaolivia.com/the-importance-of-taking-time-out-to-rest-and-pamper-yourself/

2. http://mummywhispererblog.com/2014/12/why-pampering-is-the-best-present-you-can-give/

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Tell me in a comment below and let me know what you think. Also, if you think this article might help any of your friends, please SHARE it – let’s spread the word and make as many people happy, healthy, wealthy and fulfilled!